Our Mission
Fresh Rx aims to address nutritional inequality through innovative food programs that provide both education and access to fresh healthy produce, while also supporting local family owned farms that use organic growing practices and contribute to the success of our regional food systems.

“The support from Fresh Rx Has been a lifesaver for our family. The weekly fresh produce has revolutionized my diet and the way my family eats.”
Fresh Rx Patient Program Participant

Our Program Participants
“Thank you so much for allowing me to enjoy your program! I know that the fresh produce you provided has been a major factor in my healing process. I will be starting my treatment soon and will continue follow a healthy diet. Thank you!”
Super Hero Patient
71 Years Old
“I want to thank the FreshRx team for letting us participate in the program. Everyone was friendly and professional. Our questions were always answered. As a family we enjoyed learning about all the new vegetables, herbs and greens. We cooked more as a family. Thank you for everything. We are so grateful.”
Super Hero Patient
16 Years Old
“I feel more connected to the importance of fresh, healthy vegetables in my diet, even though I am just getting used to eating more vegetables. Thank you for this great outreach!! We appreciate it very much! This is a wonderful program for me and my wife. She is so excited when it comes. We are an older couple (78+81) and have been "stuck" eating the same few vegetables as a habit. This "surprise bag" wakes us up to try new things. Also we do notice the better taste of fresh and organic.”
Wholesome Heart Patient
82 Years Old
Ways to Get Involved
If you wish to donate online click on the button below and enter the amount you wish to donate.
To make a donation please make checks payable to:
Fresh Rx
c/o Traylor, Gratton & Beaumont
1260 S Federal Highway, Suite 101
Boynton Beach FL 33435
Donate a Share
If you would like to donate a share to a patient or a family in need please click below to donate. These shares will be donated to patients or families on the waiting list who are interested in more health habit changes.